Implementation of Automatic 4 Points OPU Skew Adjustment Device with Height Compensation

높이 보정이 가능한 자동4점 Optical PICK-UP Skew 조정장치 구현

  • Oh, Dong-Kyu (School of Electronic Engineering Ajou University)
  • 오동규 (아주대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.18


By adding height compensation to the usual 3 points skew adjustment device, an improved functional skew adjustment device is implemented in this paper. The proposed skew adjustment device is for traverse which will be adapted to BD and HD player system requiring more accuracy. and It can adjust not only R/T skew but also height. The system is composed of personal computer, control box, kinematic mechanism device and bar-code reader device. Application programs are implemented by visual basic.
