천연가스.지역난방 수요관리 투자사업 평가 시스템

The Assessment System for DSM Investment Programs by KOGAS & KDHC

  • 발행 : 2008.06.25


DSM Investment Programs are accomplished by KOGAS and KDHC, based on 'Article 15, Rational Energy Utilization Act'. By this act, suppliers are accomlishing DSM Investment Programs with much budget and contribute national DSM. However, there was no assessment systems for the quantitative evaluation of DSM Investment Programs in natural gas and district heating domains, yet. In order to overcome this problem, we constructed the assessment system which select quantitative programs, analyze impact factors, develop logic and equations and computerize this system. With this system, we can give objective and reliable output of DSM Investment Programs and evaluation tool to promote them efficiently. In this paper, we write the development process, method and utilization of this assessment system.
