Effect of Curvature on the Detonation Wave Propagation Characteristics in Annular Channels

  • Lee, Su-Han (Pusan National University Dep. Aerospace Engineering) ;
  • Jo, Deok-Rae (Pusan National University Dep. Aerospace Engineering) ;
  • Choi, Jeong-Yeol (Pusan National University Dep. Aerospace Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


Present study examines the detonation wave propagation characteristics in annular channel. A normalized value of channel width to the annular radius was considered as a geometric parameter. Numerical approaches used in the previous studies of detonation wave propagation were extended to the present study with OpenMP parallelization for multicore SMP machines. The major effect of the curved geometry on the detonation wave propagation seems to be a flow compression effect, regardless of the detonation regimes. The flow compression behind the detonation wave by the curved geometry of the circular channel pushes the detonation wave front and results in the overdriven detonation waves with increased detonation speed beyond the Chapmann-Jouguet speed. This effect gets stronger as the normalized radius smaller, as expected. The effect seems to be negligible beyond the normalized radius of 10.
