- 2007.11a
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- Pages.117-122
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- 2007
정보시스템 사용에 대한 내부통제 효과성이 정보역량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
- Published : 2007.11.15
Recently, as the management environments are changing rapidly and the uncertainty is becoming larger, the needs of internal control for management and IS become stronger. In order to construct a new internal control system for IS, it is necessary to evaluate the former research of the system. This study emphasizes the importance of effective internal control system, presents a conceptual framework for the preceding factors to consider, and verifies empirically the framework. This study sets the organization citizenship behavior, IS innovation resistance, and IT capability from the viewpoint of Socio-Technical system as the preceding factors for the effectiveness of internal control system. A research model, affecting the above factors on IS capability as a mediating variable of the internal control effectiveness for the use of IS, is set up. PLS-Graph 3.0 is used to verify the model. We found that the internal control effectiveness have affirmative effect on information capability, a surrogate variable of the IS effectiveness and a mediation effect is meaningful.
- organization citizenship behavior;
- IS innovation resistance;
- IT capability;
- internal control effectiveness;
- information capability