The development Plan of KASI GNSS Data Processing Software

  • 발행 : 2006.10.18


We have processed the GPS data using several high quality GPS data processing softwares for last decade. Bernes and GIPSY II are some of them. Though these programs have different characteristics in terms of structures and processing philosophies, high quality results from these are still comparable. KASI Space Geodesy Research Division has developed several GNSS data processing softwares like the quasi real-time ionospheric parameter estimator, orbit propagator and estimator, and precision positioning estimator. However, we are currently in needs of our own comprehensive GNSS data processing software with the European Galileo system on the horizon. KASI team has worked on a preliminary pilot project for the software and is making block pieces for the software. The roadmap, the description, and brief results of KASIOPEA (KASI Orbit Propagator and EstimAtor) are presented in this paper.
