Maritime Casualties Occurred Onboard Ships Registered under the Central American Region Flag States

  • 발행 : 2006.10.18


This research is based on the information compiled on the occurrence of maritime casualties onboard ships registered under Central American Region (CAR) flag States. Due to nonexistence of writing reports in anyone of the countries that are integrating this Region, the information was compiled by the author through personal communication with the people involved in the casualties. The information was compiled by typing up the text and digitizing on the computer for the respective data base. For each casualty occurred, the following information was compiled, date and type of the casualty, position of the ship at the time of the casualty, dimension of the ship, number of people affected by the casualty, and cause and consequences of the casualty. Based on the number of people affected (death and disappear) by the casualties occurred was calculated the mortality rate by 100,000 persons and then compared with the Japanese mortality rate. Furthermore were analyzed the CAR maritime authorities competences and then were compared to that the Japanese counter part. In addition, the implementation rate of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions ratified by the CAR countries were analyzed. The objective of this research was to compiled and analyze the occurrences of maritime casualties happened on board the ships registered under the CAR Flag States, in order to determine the causes of these accidents. The results of the analysis enable us to better understand of the maritime safety situation of the ships that are registered under the CAR flag States. In order to reduce the occurrence of maritime casualties are proposed a series of measures based on the differences found then the comparison between CAR and Japan. Based on the results of this research, is possible to conclude that the inaccessibility of atmospheric information and the lack of safety measures onboard has been the main cause of the maritime casualties happened in the Pacific side of the CAR.
