A Comparative Analysis between 2D and 3D Modeling in the Piercing Process of Lead Frame and Experimental Study

리드프레임 피어싱 공정의 2D와 3D 모델링 비교해석 및 실험적 연구

  • 방현중 (금오공과대학교 대학원 생산기계공학과) ;
  • 한수식 (금오공과대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 한철호 (금오공과대학교 기계공학부)
  • Published : 2006.05.11


Piercing or blanking process is widely used to manufacture most of lead frame parts, but it is difficult to analyze the real process by the actual shape through progressive dies. In this paper several stages in progressive punching are modeled by 2D and 3D configurations using $DEFORM^{TM}$ 2D/ 3D code. During the progressive stage some state variables and deformed configurations are analyzed in each model. There are three stages in the process, the deformations at each stage are cumulative. The advantages and disadvantages of these two type modeling are discussed and analyzed. The experiments are performed as a working material copper alloy through manufactured die. Computed results in load by two types are compared to experiments.
