발음 변이의 발음사전 포함 결정 조건을 통한 발음사전 최적화

Pronunciation Lexicon Optimization with Applying Variant Selection Criteria

  • Jeon, Je-Hun (Department of Computer Science, Sogang University) ;
  • Chung, Min-Hwa (Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.17


This paper describes how a domain dependent pronunciation lexicon is generated and optimized for Korean large vocabulary continuous speech recognition(LVCSR). At the level of lexicon, pronunciation variations are usually modeled by adding pronunciation variants to the lexicon. We propose the criteria for selecting appropriate pronunciation variants in lexicon: (i) likelihood and (ii) frequency factors to select variants. Our experiment is conducted in three steps. First, the variants are generated with knowledge-based rules. Second, we generate a domain dependent lexicon which includes various numbers of pronunciation variants based on the proposed criteria. Finally, the WERs and RTFs are examined with each lexicon. In the experiment, 0.72% WER reduction is obtained by introducing the variants pruning criteria. Furthermore, RTF is not deteriorated although the average number of variants is higher than that of compared lexica.
