FRP 복합체의 콘크리트에 대한 접착강도 시험방법 변수 연구

Parametric Study on Test Method for Pull-off Strength of FRP Composite Material used in Strengthening RC Members

  • 최기선 (한국건설기술연구원 건축연구부) ;
  • 유영찬 (한국건설기술연구원, 건축연구부) ;
  • 이한승 (한양대학교, 건축학부) ;
  • 김긍환 (한국건설기술연구원, 건축연구부)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.11


Pull-off test is widely used to evaluate bond performance between concrete and FRP composite. However, reliability of experiment result declines due to many difference between test methods of each national standards. This study analyzed problems of various existing test methods for pull-off test and suggested standardized test method. In addition, since tensile strength of concrete is smaller than bond strength of epoxy resin, maximum bond strength of epoxy resin shall be limited within tensile strength of concrete. Alternative testing method, therefore, which decrease FRP adhesion areas than concrete adhesion areas is suggested to widen test range of bond strength in pull-off test. In the experimental results, bond performance can be estimated up to two times of tensile strength of concrete by reducing FRP adhesion areas by 1/3.
