A Study on the Spray Characteristics of Small LRE Injector through PIV and PDA Measurements
PIV 및 PDA 계측에 의한 소형 액체로켓엔진 인젝터의 분무특성 연구
- Kim, Jin-Seok ;
- Jung, Hun ;
Kim, Jeong-Soo
Park, Jeong
- Kim, Sung-Cho ;
Choi, Jong-Wook
- Jang, Ki-Won
- 김진석 (순천대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
- 정훈 (순천대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
(순천대학교 기계우주항공공학부) ;
(순천대학교 기계우주항공공학부) ;
- 김성초 (순천대학교 기계우주항공공학부) ;
(순천대학교 기계우주항공공학부) ;
- 장기원 ((주)한화)
- Published : 2006.12.01
Spray characteristics of an injector employed in mono-propellant hydrazine thrusters were investigated by PIV(particle image velocimetry) and PDA(phase Doppler anemometry) techniques. The instantaneous plane images captured by PIV measurement were examined in order to judge the pass-fail criteria of spray injection performance according to the specific pressure supplied. PDA technique was also applied to measure the velocity and droplet size of spray which were not obtainable by PIV measurement. The objective of this experimental study is the evaluation of the injector performance which may be utilized for the design of brand-new injector through the clear understanding of spray characteristics.