Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting (해양환경안전학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.05a
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- Pages.109-115
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- 2006
The Condition and Management Measure of Marine Disposal of wastes
폐기물의 해양배출 현황과 관리대책
- Lee, Bong-Gil (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard) ;
- Kim, Sang-Woon (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard) ;
- Kim, Young-Hwan (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard) ;
- Hyun, Chung-Guk (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard) ;
- Lee, Ho-Seong (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard) ;
- Kim, Kwon-Jung (Marine Pollution Control Bureau, Korea Coast Guard)
- 이봉길 (해양경찰청 해양오염관리) ;
- 김상운 (해양경찰청 해양오염관리) ;
- 김영환 (해양경찰청 해양오염관리) ;
- 현충국 (해양경찰청 해양배출물관리과) ;
- 이호성 (해양경찰청 해양배출물관리과) ;
- 김권중 (해양경찰청 해양배출물관리과)
- Published : 2006.05.12
Since ocean dumping of wastes was permitted by law in 1900, the amount of wastes dumped into the sea has increased ten times for 15 years. As a result, the dumping sites has been deteriorated so much that the pollution has become a social problem. The 96 Protocol to the 72 London Convention, which requires the contracting party's stricter control on the disposal of wastes at sea, took effect on March 24, 2006. Therefore, our country has become confronted to the situation on which it cannot delay putting a restraint on ocean dumping. Hereupon, Korea Coast Guard (KCG) initiates a dumping sites recovery program. The program is intended to curb the amount of wastes dumped at sea and to recover the polluted dumping sites. In this paper, the current status of our country's management of ocean dumping of wastes is examined and the future condition is anticipated KCG's ocean dumping management measures are also presented.
1988년 육상에서 발생되는 폐기물의 해양배출이 허용된 이후, 최근 15년간 투기량이 10배 가량 증가하고 이에 배출해역의 오염이 심화되어 사회적 이슈로 대두되고 있다. '06.3.24일 폐기물 해양투기 규제를 강화하는 런던협약 '96 의정서가 국제 발효되어, 폐기물 해양배출 억제가 불가피한 실정이다. 이에 해양경찰청에서는 폐기물의 해양투기를 억제하고, 오염된 배출해역을 회복시키기 위한