Floor Impact Sound and Vibration Characteristics Affected by the Compressive Strength of Concrete

콘크리트 슬래브 압축강도에 따른 바닥충격진동 및 소음특성

  • Published : 2005.11.01


In 2005, a regulation on the heavy-weight impact sound was released, which restricted concrete slab thickness of standard floor to 210mm. To reduce heavy-weight impact sound, damping materials and structural reinforcement system have been proposed. In this study, the effect of compressive strength on the heavy-weight impact vibration and sound were investigated. FEM analysis was conducted for the 34PY apartment with different concrete strength (210, 350, 420kg/cm$^2$). In addition, apartment floors with different concrete strength were constructed and the floor impact vibration and sound were measured. Results of FEM analysis and measurement show that the resonance frequency of concrete slab was increased by the increment of concrete strength. However, floor impact sound pressure level did not decrease because the nor impact vibration and sound pressure level in 63Hz band increased.
