위성용 명령 처리기의 명령 입수 지연 오류 정정

Correction of the delay faults of command reception in satellite command processor

  • 발행 : 2005.05.14


The command processor in satellite handles the capability of the process of command transmitted from ground station and deliver the processed data to on board computer in satellite. The command processor is consisted of redundant box to increase the reliability and availability of the capability. At each command processor, the processing time of each command processor is different, so the mismatch of processing time makes it difficult to timely synchronize the reception to on board computer and even will be became worse under the command processor's fault. To minimize the tine loss induced by the command processor's fault on board computer must analyze the time distribution of command propagation. This paper presents the logic of minimizing the delay error of command propagation the logic of analyzing the output of command processor.
