The Status of Configuration on the e-VLBI Network for the Transfer of Mass VLBI Data

대용량 VLBI 데이터 전송을 위한 e-VLBI 네트워크 구축 현황


The electronic transmission of VLBI data(dubbed e-VLBI) presents a special challenge to the use of high-speed global network. with long-term requirements for simultaneous or near-simultaneous Gbps data streams from antennas worldwide converging in a single processing center, e-VLBI is both a useful and highly synergetic application for global high-speed networksAs broband access to high speed research and education networks has become increasingly available to radio telescopes around the world the use of e-VLBI has also increased. High bandwidth e-VLBI experiments have been achieved across wide areas e-VLBI has also been used for the transfer of data from "production"exoeriments
