A Study on the Prediction of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Strength Using Case-Based Reasoning and Artificial Neural Network

사례기반 추론과 인공신경망을 적용한 순환골재콘크리트 강도 추정에 관한 비교 연구

  • Published : 2005.05.01


It is necessary for prediction of recycled aggregate concrete(RAC) strength at the early stage that facilitate concrete form removal and scheduling for construction. However, to predict RAC strength is difficult because of being influenced by complicated many factors. Therefore, this research suggest optimized estimation method that can reflect many factors. One way is Case-Based Reasoning(CBR) that solved new problems by adapting solutions to similar problems solved in the past, which are solved in the case library. Other way is Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) that solved new problems by training using a set of data, which is representative of problem domain. This study is to propose comparing accuracy of the estimating the compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete using Case-Based Reasoning(CBR) and Artificial Neural Networks(ANN).
