Two Approaches in LCDs With Fast Electro-optic Response: PSV-mode FLCDs and FM-TN-LCDs

  • Kobayashi, Shunsuke (Institute of Liquid Crystal and the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo University of Science)
  • Published : 2004.08.23


This paper discusses on new two LCD technologies featured by the fast electro-optic response:one is polymer-stabilized FLCDs that exhibit V-shaped electro-optic (EO) switching called PSV-mode FLCDs with response time of 400 ${\mu}$ s; and the other is TN-mode LCDs that exhibit a frequency modulation response (called PM-TN LCDs)and a peculiar sensitivity to the high frequency component of driving voltage waveforms resulting in a short decay time constant of 5ms and an enhancement in the over-driving that yields short response time of 1ms between two gray levels.
