웹 기술을 이용한 변전소 감시제어 시스템 개발

Development of SCADA System based on Web Technology

  • 이강석 (명지대학교 차세대 전력기술연구센터) ;
  • 장려 (명지대학교 차세대 전력기술연구센터) ;
  • 임성일 (명지대학교 차세대 전력기술연구센터) ;
  • 이승재 (명지대학교 차세대 전력기술연구센터)
  • Lee K. S. (Myongji University Next-Generation Power Technology Center) ;
  • Zhang Li (Myongji University Next-Generation Power Technology Center) ;
  • Lim S. I. (Myongji University Next-Generation Power Technology Center) ;
  • Lee S. J. (Myongji University Next-Generation Power Technology Center)
  • 발행 : 2004.07.14


Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are essential parts of power system which employ a wide range of computers and communication technologies. The traditional SCADA system is mainly for information exchange in only one company, and the information is provided only to the operator or administrator. But in the deregulated environment, we need much more information, which can be exchanged among different companies. With the rapid development of internet, we can use it to access information easily. This paper proposes web technologies to be applied in power system in order to display some important information through accessing data from database, and to realize the real time control of the substation. The functions of SCADA system will be implemented by a set of Web-based components. The monitoring and control of standard 154[kV] substation model is already realized in the laboratory test. The Web-based SCADA system is able to provide sufficient information and control for pow or system through an efficient and economical way.
