어린이집 실내계획을 위한 몬테소리의 적용과 사례

The presentation For Interior Design 'CASA DEI BAMBINI, through the Montessori Method

  • 최정민 (협성대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.05


The Presentation show the Interior Design for Environmental Early Age, with Motive Montessori Method that 'Environmetal Prepared'. there is Concentral System in Architecture from PEDAGOGIA. in the Class, students can application for ' Casa dei Bambini' through historical architecture from nothen Italy and the matter needs consideration about Planning interior for Environmetal Childhood. as presented on Pannel with Graphic, there are four major motives of Design Process ; Activities classwork, understanding Method Montessori, Design exterior from Concentral System and the Interior Design.
