휴머노이드 로봇에 대한 CAN(Controller Area Network) 적용

Application of Controller Area Network to Humanoid Robot

  • 발행 : 2004.05.22


Because robot hardware architecture generally is consisted of a few sensors and motors connected to the central processing unit, this type of structure is led to time consuming and unreliable system. For analysis, one of the fundamental difficulties in real-time system is how to be bounded the time behavior of the system. When a distributed control network controls the robot, with a central computing hub that sets the goals for the robot, processes the sensor information and provides coordination targets for the joints. If the distributed system supposed to be connected to a control network, the joints have their own control processors that act in groups to maintain global stability, while also operating individually to provide local motor control. We try to analyze the architecture of network-based humanoid robot's leg part and deal with its application using the CAN(Controller Area Network) protocol.
