A Study on Estimating the Contingency Cost of Small Construct Project

소규모 건설 프로젝트에서의 공사예비비 산정방법에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.05.01


We need the contingency cost in order to deal with the uncertainty to be accompanied inevitably at the construction and an every kind risk not to forecast in advance. And also the contingency colt needed for the change order and we need it for reduction of the delay and reduce the trouble between owner and constructor. This study, through checking and analyzing the risk factor, in the step of domestic construction, suggests optimal management reserve to specific business about the contract type and the scale. The main results of this research are summarized as follow. First, I investigated the recognition about the contingency cost, grasped the risk to be happened at the construction step and found out the frequency occurrence, through making up question to engineer are carrying out their job in the domestic construction. Second, I computed optimal contingency cost rate by the statistics investigation, and proposed an improvement plan and problem when compute a contingency cost.
