Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference (한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2004.05a
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- Pages.105-108
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- 2004
An example of repair works and leakage analysis for school facility
학교건축물의 누수진단 및 보수방안에 관한 사례 연구
The most of former schools facility have been planed and constructed with cement liquid waterproofing which is moth to be desired fir behavior of structure. However. It cause to decline safety for structure and also increase repairing cost that by leakage to behavior for thermal effects, Moreover, It is necessary for establishment fundamental counterplan of maintenance for schools facility to improve educational environment in budget support and proper diagnostic tech. and evaluation, repair reinforcement. In present paper, Firstly, we analyze out leakage and defect of schools facility of ㅇㅇ district office of education. Secondly, suggest the proper diagnostic tech. as leakage factor to develope efficiency of using space for durability and safety from leakage with suggestion the proper diagnostic.