Two Conserved Scalar Approach for the Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames

다중 혼합기 난류 비예혼합 연소시스템에 대한 수치모델링

  • Published : 2003.12.12


In the combustion modeling of non-premixed flames, the mixture fraction conserved scalar approach is widely utilized because reactants are mixed at the molecular level before burning and atomic elements are conserved in chemical reactions. In the mixture fraction approach, combustion process is simplified to a mixing problem and the interaction between chemistry and turbulence could be modelled by many sophisticated combustion models including the flamelet model and CMC. However, most of the mixture fraction approach is restricted to one mixture system. In this study, the flamelet model based on the two-feed system is extended to the multiple fuel-feeding systems by the two mixture fraction conserved scalar approach.
