Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference (한국윤활학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2003.11a
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- Pages.64-71
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- 2003
Analysis of wear properties in Zr alloys with variation of Nb and Sn content
Zr 합금에서 Nb과 Sn의 함량에 따른 마멸특성분석
Lee Young-Ho
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
Kim Hyung-Kyu
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Published : 2003.11.01
In order to evaluate the effect of alloying elements (Nb and Sn) on the wear resistance of advanced Zr fuel claddings, sliding wear tests have been performed in room temperature air and water and these results were compared with those of commercial alloys such as Zircaloy-4, A and B alloys. As a result, the advanced Zr fuel claddings have a similar wear resistance compared with the commercial alloys. The wear resistance of the advanced Zr fuel claddings is closely releted to the content of Nb and Sn even though the effects of transition elements are involved in deforming wear properties. In the tested specimens with similar Sn content, wear volume became down to a minimum at