Singular Representation and Finite Element Methods

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Let $\Omega$ be a bounded, open, and polygonal domain in $R^2$ with re-entrant corners. We consider the following Partial Differential Equations: $$(I-\nabla\nabla\cdot+\nabla^{\bot}\nabla\times)u\;=\;f\;in\;\Omega$$, $$n\cdotu\;0\;0\;on\;{\Gamma}_{N}$$, $${\nabla}{\times}u\;=\;0\;on\;{\Gamma}_{N}$$, $$\tau{\cdot}u\;=\;0\;on\;{\Gamma}_{D}$$, $$\nabla{\cdot}u\;=\;0\;on\;{\Gamma}_{D}$$ where the symbol $\nabla\cdot$ and $\nabla$ stand for the divergence and gradient operators, respectively; $f{\in}L^2(\Omega)^2$ is a given vector function, $\partial\Omega=\Gamma_{D}\cup\Gamma_{N}$ is the partition of the boundary of $\Omega$; nis the outward unit vector normal to the boundary and $\tau$represents the unit vector tangent to the boundary oriented counterclockwise. For simplicity, assume that both $\Gamma_{D}$ and $\Gamma_{N}$ are nonempty. Denote the curl operator in $R^2$ by $$\nabla\times\;=\;(-{\partial}_2,{\partial}_1$$ and its formal adjoint by $${\nabla}^{\bot}\;=\;({-{\partial}_1}^{{\partial}_2}$$ Consider a weak formulation(WF): Find $u\;\in\;V$ such that $$a(u,v):=(u,v)+(\nabla{\cdot}u,\nabla{\cdot}v)+(\nabla{\times}u,\nabla{\times}V)=(f,v),\;A\;v{\in}V$$. (2) We assume there is only one singular corner. There are many methods to deal with the domain singularities. We introduce them shortly and we suggest a new Finite Element Methods by using Singular representation for the solution.
