평판에서 타원공의 형상에 따른 피로도지수 해석

The Analysis of Fatigue Quality Index for Shape of Elliptical Hole in Plate

  • 송준혁 (전북대학교 정밀기계공학과) ;
  • 노홍길 (전북대학교 기계항공시스템공학부, 전북대학교 부설공학연구원 공업기술연구센터) ;
  • 강희용 (전북대학교 기계항공시스템공학부, 전북대학교 부설공학연구원 공업기술연구센터) ;
  • 양성모 (전북대학교 기계항공시스템공학부, 전북대학교 부설공학연구원 공업기술연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


A FQI(fatigue quality index) analysis using the concept of SF(severity factor) is performed to various shape of elliptical hole. FQI is fatigue quality index to estimate the dynamic SF from static SF by finite element analysis. Since the SF is affected by the location of cutout in plate and radius ratio, static SF is analyzed with finite element method and forms the equation of FQI for predicting a dynamic SF. To examine the validity, dynamic SF is measured by photoelastics and thermalelastics for an epoxy resin plate with various elliptical holes under dynamic load.
