Ac/Ds 전이인자 시스템을 이용한 벼 삽입변이 집단의 항산화 활성

Antioxidant Activitiy of Insertional Mutatants Induced by As/Ds-Mediated Gene Tagging System in Rice

  • Lee D.J. (Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Lee J.Y. (Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Eun M.Y. (National Inst. of Agricultural Biotechnology) ;
  • Yun D.W. (National Inst. of Agricultural Biotechnology) ;
  • Cha Y.S. (National Inst. of Agricultural Biotechnology) ;
  • Han C.D. (Geongsang National University) ;
  • Nam M.H. (National Youngman Agricultural Experiment Station) ;
  • Lee K.H. (National Youngman Agricultural Experiment Station)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01