부하관리사업자의 부하배분 전략

Allocation Strategies of Controllable Loads for Load Aggregator in Power Market

  • Lee, C.J. (Dept. of Electrical Eng. Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Cho, K.S. (Dept. of Electrical Eng. Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Kim, H.C. (Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO)) ;
  • Park, J.B. (Dept. of Electrical Eng. Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Shin, J.R. (Dept. of Electrical Eng. Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Kim, S.S. (Korea Power Exchange)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.21


This paper describes allocation strategies of controllable loads for load aggregator in power market with the direct load control (DLC) program, which is carried out the two-way confirmation procedure. So, it is needed to the priority among the controllable loads to perform effectively and quickly the confirmation task. In this paper, allocation strategies for market operator and/or load aggregator are proposed, which are based on the basic load patterns defined in this paper. To verify the soundness of proposed strategies. case study on a sample system is performed.
