암반터널설계를 위한 지층분포의 3차원 모델링과 3D Krigging 기법을 이용한 암반등급분포의 지구통계학적 처리방안 연구

3D Modelling of Geological Distributions for the Rock Tunneling Design and the Study for Geostatistical Approaching of the Distributions of Rock Classifications by 3D Krigging

  • 배기훈 (주식회사 넥스지오 컨설팅사업부) ;
  • 윤운상 (주식회사 넥스지오) ;
  • 추석연 ((주) 삼보기술단 지반부) ;
  • 이상태 (동아컨설턴트 지반정보기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The Rock mass in which constructed a tunnel consist of the geological formations or the engineering rock type. Each layers are distinguished by the mineral, weathering and distributions of faults and Joints. Therefore, a tunneling design in rock mass starts from understanding and analyzing of the various geological engineering factors and then the engineering characteristics and distributions for each layers are determined to analysis and collection of the efficient informations. For this working, next two problems have to be solved. First, the layers in rock mass have to be classified and their distributions have to be defined. Second, the rock mass classifications and distributions based on the standard engineering classification have to be determined. Efficiently to approaching this two problems, the best solution is all geotechnical data are embodied to 3-D.
