홈 네트워킹을 위한 UPnP 프록시 디바이스의 설계

A Design of An UPnP Proxy Device for Home networking

  • 김철민 (한남대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 진성기 (한국과학기술원 전산학과) ;
  • 한상숙 (대전기증대학교 멀티미디어학과) ;
  • 은성배 (한남대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


We investigates the functions of UPnP protocol that would be used to provide easy and cheap access for home networking. We suggest that a proxy device may reduce the cost of establishing UPnP network if it serves as an interface between UPnP and X10 protocol. We also describe the design of UPnP proxy device and the service scenario.
