간선 및 분기선의 개폐기 설치 효과 분석(I)

Reliability analysis of the switch installation in the main feeder and in the radial/loop lateral feeders in distribution system

  • 발행 : 2002.07.10


The addition of switches to a distribution feeder does, in general, increase reliability by decreasing the duration of the outage of many to the customers on the feeder. To cover its service area so that feeder-level delivery reaches sufficiently close to all customers, feeders typically split their routes many times, in what is often called a lateral feeder. It is interesting to note, however, that the effectiveness of a switch is very much dependent on the types of lateral feeder. The types of lateral are classified into two types. The first is loop lateral feeder that can connect its load to an adjacent feeder through a tie line in case that a fault occurs in its feeder and it is laid out so that every feeder has complete fault backup through re-switching of its loads to other sources like a main feeder. The second is the radial lateral feeder cannot connect its load to an adjacent line, no provision is made for contingency backup of feeders. There are no other circuits in the radial lateral feeder form which to restore power. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of a switch installation between on the radial and loop lateral feeders to increase reliability by decreasing the duration of the outage. These results can help power utility to design the switch layouts on the radial and loop lateral feeder system.
