Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2001.10a
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- Pages.122-124
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- 2001
Analysis of Force Characteristic in Switched Reluctance Motor According to Electric
전기적인 파라메터 변화에 따른 스위치드 릴럭턴스 전동기의 힘특성 해석
Chun, Yon-Do
(Energy Conv. Lab. in Hanyang Univ.) ;
Ree, Cheol-Jick
(Elec. Eng., in Darim College) ;
- Lee, Taeck-Kie (Elec. Eng. in Hangy) ;
Lee, Ju
(Energy Conv. Lab. in Hanyang Univ.)
- Published : 2001.10.26
In this paper, the influence of electrical parameters such as the turn-on and turn-off angle on the torque and force characteristics is investigated for the reduction of the torque ripple which is main source of vibration and noise in switched reluctance motor (SRM). The four different types of the turn-on angle are set to the section of rising inductance profile respectively. The optimum turn-on angle is proposed for the acquisition of the flat current shape minimizing the torque ripple. 2D finite element method (FEM) considering the iron saturation and the actual switching circuit of the SRM drive is applied for the dynamic analysis. The simulation results of phase current and torque are also compared to the experimental results.