Prediction of Strain Responses from Displacement Response Measurements

변위응답의 측정으로부터 변형률응답의 예측

  • 이건명 (경상대학교 수송기계공학부, ReCAPT) ;
  • 신봉인 (경상대학교 대학원 기계공학) ;
  • 이한희 (경상대학교 대학원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2001.11.01


Presented is a method to predict strain responses from displacement measurements on a mechanical structure. The method consists of forming a transformation matrix, which is calculated from displacement and strain modal matrices. The modal matrices can be obtained by either finite element analysis or modal testing. One disadvantage of the method is that it requires displacements on all measuring points be measured simultaneously. The strain prediction method is applied to a simple simulated system.
