Continuum Beam Analogy for Analysis of Framed Tube Structures with Multiple Internal Tubes

연속 보 해석 기법에 의한 내부튜브를 가진 골조 튜브 구조물의 해석

  • 이강건 (한양대 초대형구조시스템 연구센터)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


A simple numerical modeling technique is proposed for the analysis of framed tube structures with multiple internal tubes. The structures are analysed using a continuum approach in which each tube is individually modelled by a tube beam that accounts for the flexural and shear deformations, as well as the shear lag effects. By simplifying assumptions regarding the form of strain distributions in external and internal tubes, the structural behaviours is reduced to the solution of a single second order linear differential equation. The numerical analysis uses the variational approach on the basis of the minimum potential energy priniciple. Three framed-tube sructures with single, two and three internal tubes are analysed to verify the applicability and reliability of the proposed method.
