IMT-2000 교환기능 검증을 위한 테스트베드 구축

Implementation of Testbed System for proving IMT-2000 Switching Technology

  • 이현진 (한국전자통신연구원 이동교환팀) ;
  • 조기성 (한국전자통신연구원 이동교환팀)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


This paper describes IMT-2000 Testbed System which consists of ATM based IMT-2000 exchange(A-lMX), RNC simulator, HLR simulator, SCP simulator, B-ISDN subscriber simulator and MS simulator. Simulators were developed to verify the mobile functions and basic services of IMT-2000 like Videophone, VoD(Video on Demand), and Internet access. UPT(Universal Personal Telecommunication) service could be adapted well to this testbed system. Until the entire network elements are developed fully, this testbed system can be used to prove new services in IMT-2000 network.
