Multi-level Optimization for Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges

강바닥판교의 다단계 최적설계


A multi-level design synthesis (MLDA) algorithm for efficiently optimizing orthotropic steel deck bridges is proposed in the paper, because it is usually very difficult to optimize orthotropic steel deck bridges using a conventional single-level (CSL) algorithn since the bridges have a large number of members and show complex structural behaviors. In the proposed MLDS algorithms a coordination method is introduced to divide the bridges into main girders and orthotropic steel decks and decomposition method is also used to reduce the number of design variables of the decks for system level optimization. For efficient optimization of the bridges the MLDS algorithm incorporates the crucial approximation techliques such as constraints deletion and stress reanalysis. The constraint deletion technique for deflection is found to be very useful for the optimization problem of the bridges, since a deflection constraint is usually inactive in the design. Considering the complex system of the bridges, the proposed the efficient stress reanalysis technique may prove to be a very effective method, since it does not require expensive design sensitivity analyses. The applicability and robustness of the MLDS algorithm is demonstrated using various numerical examples and compared with other algorithm presently available so far.
