Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference (한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2000.11a
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- Pages.3-6
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- 2000
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- 2005-8446(pISSN)
A Study on the Identification and Robust Control of Flexible Rotor Supported by Magnetic Bearing
자기베어링으로 지지되는 연성축계의 식별 및 강인 제어에 관한 연구
- Ahn, H. J. (School of Aero. & Mech., SNU) ;
- Jeon, S. (School of Aero. & Mech., SNU) ;
Han, D. C.
(School of Aero. & Mech., SNU)
- Published : 2000.11.01
The magnetic bearing system are intrinsically unstable, and need the feedback control of electromagnetic forces with measured displacements. So the controller design plays an important role in constructing high performance magnetic bearing system. In case of magnetic bearing system, the order of identified model is high because of unknown dynamics included in closed loop systems - such as sensor dynamics, actuator dynamics - and non-linearity of magnetic bearings itself. In this paper the identification and robust control of flexible rotor supported by magnetic bearing are discussed. We measure and identify overall system that contains not only flexible rotor model but also magnetic bearing and time delay. The structured and unstructured uncertainties are modeled that cover variations of natural frequencies, uncertainties in sensor and actuator gains and unmodeled dynamics. And desired performances are specified with several weighting function. Using augmented system that includes identified model, uncertainties, and weighting functions, μ-synthesis is applied to flexible rotor supported with magnetic bearing. The flexible rotor was spin up over the first flexible critical speed.