Learning soccer robot using genetic programming

  • Wang, Xiaoshu (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Oita University) ;
  • Sugisaka, Masanori (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Oita University)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Evolving in artificial agent is an extremely difficult problem, but on the other hand, a challenging task. At present the studies mainly centered on single agent learning problem. In our case, we use simulated soccer to investigate multi-agent cooperative learning. Consider the fundamental differences in learning mechanism, existing reinforcement learning algorithms can be roughly classified into two types-that based on evaluation functions and that of searching policy space directly. Genetic Programming developed from Genetic Algorithms is one of the most well known approaches belonging to the latter. In this paper, we give detailed algorithm description as well as data construction that are necessary for learning single agent strategies at first. In following step moreover, we will extend developed methods into multiple robot domains. game. We investigate and contrast two different methods-simple team learning and sub-group loaming and conclude the paper with some experimental results.
