Virtual Bumper를 이용한 장애물감지에 관한 연구(I)

A Study of the Obstacle Detection System Using Virtual Bumper(1)

  • 최성락 (정회원, 한국기계연구원 자동화 연구부) ;
  • 김선호 (정회원, 한국기계연구원 자동화 연구부) ;
  • 박경택 (정회원, 한국기계연구원 자동화 연구부) ;
  • 유득신 (현대중공업 플랜트사업부)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Obstacle Detection System(ODS) is a essential system for automated vehicle, such as AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle), mobile robot. Automated vehicle must have a capability to detect and to avoid obstacles to guarantee a safe driving condition. To implement obstacle detection system, virtual bumper concept adapted. Like real bumper in a car, such as in the truck, it protects vehicle from collision using laser distance sensor. When an obstacle(such as other vehicle, building, etc) intrudes this virtual bumper area, a virtual force is calculated and produces necessary strategy to be able to avoid collision. In this paper, simplified virtual bumper concept is presented, and various problems when happens to implement are discussed.
