해외농업개발의 문제점과 전망

Problems and Prospects for Overseas Agricultural Investment

  • 김병철 (농어촌진흥공사 국제협력처)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


This study attempts to make an observation on the problems and prospects for overseas agricultural investment(OAI) through the insights of farming and farmed companies abroad and through secondary data. OAI mainly aims at the securing steady supplies of crops, which could be anticipated to have increased foreign dependence, and to prepare for crop price fluctuations in the international markets. These functions of OAT are classified with the public and private sector. The public sector needs are largely crops supply for national food consumption and bilateral collaboration between nations. The private sector needs are to gain maximum profits from agricultural investments and to produce raw material for self-consumption in overseas farming companies. The problems in OAI are legal and institutional restrictions in the project area or nation; generally economical unfeasibility in the farm projects, and technical limitations of the farming companies. The prospects of OAI are not very promising. The reason why those many companies which previously planned on OAI changed their investment plans after what is called IMF system with financing difficulties.
