The Estimation of Analytical Method for Axial Force-Moment Relationships of High-Strength Concrete Structures using Reliability Theory

신뢰성 이론을 이용한 고강도콘크리트 구조물의 축력-모멘트관계에 있어서의 해석방법에 대한 평가

  • 최광진 ((주)동우기술단 부설 연구소 연구원, 공학석사) ;
  • 장일영 (국립금오공과대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 송재호 (국급금오공과대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 홍원기 ((주)삼성중공업 건설부문 품질팀장, 토목구조기술사)
  • Published : 1998.04.01


The main object of the study is that axial force-moment relationships for high strength concrete structures using reliability theory(Linear statstical method, Monte Carlo Simulation) including probability conception. And mean stress factors and centroid factors proposed to high strength concrete structures using reliability theory(Linear statstical method, Monte Carlo Simulation). Finally, The established experimental data for axial force-moment relationships are compared to the analytical data(data for Linear statstical method and Monte Carlo Simulation) for axial force-moment relationships in this analytical method.
