Sensorless Velocity Estimation using the Reduced-order State Equation of Induction Motor based on Kalman Filter

유도전동기 축소모델을 이용한 센서리스 칼만 필터 속도 추정기

  • 이승현 (홍익대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 정교범 (홍익대학교 전기공학과)
  • Published : 1998.07.01


This paper proposes a sensorless velocity estimator using the reduced-order state equation of induction motor based on Kalman Filter. The electrical transients in the stator voltage equations of induction motor are neglected in the reduced-order model. The advantage of using the reduced-order model is to reduce the required number of numerical integrations for filtering the rotor speed. As changing the operating points and the parameters of the induction motor in simulation studies, the behavior of the sensorless velocity estimator as predicted by the reduced-order state equation of induction machine is compared with the behavior predicted by the complete state equation of induction machine.
