Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference (대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집)
- Volume 1997 Issue 11
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- Pages.484-488
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- 1997
Stress Analysis of Total Knee System Depending on Implant Materials and Fixation Methods
인공무릎관절에 있어서 임플란트의 재료 및 고정방법에 따른 응력분석
- Cho, C.H. (Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Cho, Y.K. (Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Choi, J.B. (Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Choi, K.
(Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
- 조철형 (한국과학기술연구원 의과학연구센터) ;
- 조용균 (한국과학기술연구원 의과학연구센터) ;
- 최재봉 (한국과학기술연구원 의과학연구센터) ;
(한국과학기술연구원 의과학연구센터)
- Published : 1997.11.28
Three-dimensional finite element analyses were used to compare the stress distribution and the stability of the fixation among seven different tibial components and to investigate the effect due to implant materials in total knee arthroplasty. The components included an intact tibia(Type I), Cemented Cobalt-Chromium tibial tray implanted with a PMMA cemented Co-Cr stem(Type II), Cemented Co-Cr tibial tray with a uncemented Co-Cr stem(Type III), Cemented Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) tibial tray with a cemented UHMWPE stem (Type IV), Cemented UHMWPE tray with a uncemented UHMWPE stem(Type V), Cemented Co-Cr tray without a stem(Type VI), and Cemented UHMWPE tray without a stem(Type VII). Uncemented components were assumed to have complete bony in growth and a rigid state of fixation between component and bone. The interface between bone/cement/component of cemented components was also assumed to be fully bonded. Bi-condylar forces were applied. The results indicated that Uncemented stem components provided lower bone stress shielding and stress concentration. The UHMWPE tray and stem component showed better agreement with the intact tibia than the Co-Cr Alloy tray and stem components. If the implant tray can be fixed firmed without a stem, Cemented PE tray without a stem(Type VII) may be recommended to give the best characteristics in the sense of stress distribution and stability.