스카라 로봇의 자세 보정을 위한 카메라 모델링 및 캘리브레이션

Camera Modeling and Calibration for Kinematic Calibration of a SCARA Robot

  • 왕한흥 (경남대학교 기계설계학과 대학원)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This paper presents a new approach to the calibration of a SCARA robot orientation with a camera modeling that accounts for major sources of camera distortion, namely, radial, decentering, and thin prism distortion. Radial distortion causes an inward or outward displacement of a given image point from its ideal location. Actual optical systems are subject to various degrees of decentering, that is, the optical centers of lens elements are not strictly collinear. Thin prism distortion arises from imperfection in lens design and manufacturing as well as camera assembly. It is our purpose to develop the vision system for the pattern recognition and the automatic test of parts and to apply the line of manufacturing.
