Monitoring of Rapeseed Damaged During Postharvest Handling

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


The physical condition of rapeseed delivered to fat industry plants plays a significant role in the formation of the qualitative features of the raw material for oil production and, consequently , of the oil itself. Rapeseed is stored in silos , frequently for months, before it is subjected to processing. During the long storage, the conditions of the seed cover is very important, as the seed cover provides natural protection of the seed against the effect of the environment. Seeds with damaged seed cover are more easily affected by mildew, and the rate of chemical processes. Deteriorating the quality of oil contained in the cotyledons is faster in such seeds. Cracked seed covers facilitates also the growth and development of microorgaism. So as rapeseed damage occurring inthe course of harvest and the post-harvest processing have a negative effect of the quality and quantity of oil the sees contain. The study presented here was aimed at examining the typical process of purcha ing and handling of rapeseed in fat industry plants, in the aspect of the occurrence of mechanical damage to the seeds. Special attention was paid to the condition of rapeseed immediately after combine harvesting : next , the successive stages of technological handling of the seed were examined. observing the operation parameters of the particular machinery and equipment in order to identify those operations which caused deterioration in the quality of the material (sees). Seed samples were taken successively from the following the hopper, prior to cleaning , after cleaning , prior to drying , after drying, from dry rape silo. The total level of damage increased through the handling. The content of unusable contaminants had the tendency to decrease in the successive operations. though the actual values still exceeded levels permitted by standards. The study allow to indicate the operation fo postharvest technological process, which cause the most seed damage as well as gave quantita ive description of the losses occurred.
