Stabilizing Solutions of Algebraic Matrix riccati Equations in TEX>$H_\infty$ Control Problems

  • 발행 : 1994.10.01


Algebraic matrix Riccati equations of the form, FP+PF$^{T}$ -PRP+Q=0. are analyzed with reference to the stability of closed-loop system F-PR. Here F, R and Q are n * n real matrices with R=R$^{T}$ and Q=Q$^{T}$ .geq.0 (nonnegative-definite). Such equations have been playing key roles in optimal control and filtering problems with R .geq. 0. and also in the solutions of in H$_{\infty}$ control problems with R taking the form R=H$_{1}$$^{T}$ H$_{1}$-H$_{2}$$^{T}$ H$_{2}$. In both cases an existence of stabilizing solution, i.e. the solution yielding asymptotically stable closed-loop system, is an important problem. First, we briefly review the typical results when R is of definite form, namely either R .geq. 0 as in LQG problems or R .leq. 0. They constitute two extrence cases of Riccati to the cases H$_{2}$=0 and H$_{1}$=0. Necessary and sufficient conditions are shown for the existence of nonnegative-definite or positive-definite stabilizing solution. Secondly, we focus our attention on more general case where R is only assumed to be symmetric, which obviously includes the case for H$_{\infty}$ control problems. Here, necessary conditions are established for the existence of nonnegative-definite or positive-definite stabilizing solutions. The results are established by employing consistently the so-called algebraic method based on an eigenvalue problem of a Hamiltonian matrix.x.ix.x.
