Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1994.07b
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- Pages.1330-1332
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- 1994
The Properties of Electric Conduction and Space Charge of crosslinked Polyethylene film
가교폴리에틸렌 필름의 전기전도 및 공간전하특성
- Cho, Kyung-Soon (KwangWon University) ;
- Lee, Soo-Won (Nat'l Railroad Junior College) ;
- Kim, Wang-Kon (Seoul Nat'l Polytechnic University) ;
- Hong, Nung-Pyo (SAMSUNG Electronics Co, Semiconductor Micro Power-Electronics Team) ;
- Hong, Jin-Woong (KwangWon University)
- 조경순 (광운대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
- 이수원 (철도전문대학 전기신호학과) ;
- 김왕곤 (서울산업대학 전기공학과) ;
- 홍능표 (삼성전자 반도체 마이크로 전력전자팀) ;
- 홍진웅 (광운대학교 공과대학 전기공학과)
- Published : 1994.07.21
In order to investigate the properties of electrical conduction and space charge in crosslinked polyethylene film, we were observed the specimen with 200[