청각 장애자용 발음 훈련 기기의 개발

Speech training aids for deafs

  • 발행 : 1991.10.01


Deafs train articulation by observing mouth of a tutor. sensing tactually the notions of the vocal organs, or using speech training aids. Present speech training aids for deafs can measure only single speech ter, or display only frequency spectra in histogrm or pseudo-color. In this study, a speech training aids that can display subject's articulation in the form of a cross section of the vocal organs and other speech parameters together in a single system Is aimed to develop and this system makes a subject to know where to correct. For our objective, first, speech production mechanism is assumed to be AR model in order to estimate articulatory notions of the vocal tract from speech signal. Next, a vocal tract profile mode using LPC analysis is made up. And using this model, articulatory notions for Korean vowels are estimated and displayed in the vocal tract profile graphics.
