A Study on Determination of Frontal QRS Electrical Axis by Minnesota Coding Method

MINNESOTA CODE 분류방식에 의한 전면 QRS 전기축 판정에 관한 연구

  • 박동찬 (연세대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 이명호 (연세대학교 전기공학과)
  • Published : 1989.11.25


This paper present a algorithm for determination of the frontal QRS axis. Determination of electrical QRS axis helps In the differential diagnosis of wide QRS tachycardia and of hemiblock and In the localization of an accessory pathway. At first detecting R-point data and S-point data and two data is sumed and this data is determind such as positive or negative. Reference data is calculated by 9-point derivertives that is less affected by noise. Secondly, using data of lead2 calculate a morphology, this value is threshold for executing determination algorithm. This process is main body of this algorithm. As this algorithm have a six pattern of the axis that coded by minnesota ending method, the axis is determined more precisely than any other algorithm using 3 leads and affirm a relation of a axis and hemiblock and tachycardia.
