용액에서의 초고속 방향성 이완 동력학

Ultrafast Orientation Relaxation Dnamics in Solution

  • 정영붕 (한국표준연구소 광학연구실)
  • 발행 : 1989.02.01


The methods of recording transient phenomena with picosecond or better resolution fall into two basic categories: those in which the detector itself prossesses adequate time resolution for the task at hand, and those in which the response of the system is sampled by examining the characteristics of a second pulse ("the probe") delayed in time from the initiating pulse ("the pump") as a function of time delay between pump and probe cases. In this case the time resolution is only limited by the pump-and probe-pulse durations. As an application of this time-resolved spectroscopic technique, the ultrafast orientational relaxation phenomena of the dye molecules are currently under investigation in our laboratory. In this presentation the status of our experiment is summarized.iment is summarized.
