식도부식증의 임상적 고찰

Clinical Study of Corrosive Injury of the Esophagus

  • 발행 : 1981.05.01


각종 부식제에 의한 식도부식증은 근래에 들어서 그 발생빈도가 현저히 감소되었으나 아직도 자살수단으로 택하거나 오연으로 인하여 적지않은 환자가 발생하고 부식제의 종류도 다양하여졌음을 볼 수 있다. 또한 식도부식증은 그 경과에 있어서 필연적으로 발생하는 식도협착증의 방지가 치료의 촛점이라고 할 수 있다. 저자는 1972년 5월부터 1980년 12월까지 한양대학병원 이비인후과에 내원한 식도부식증 환자중 발병시부터 치유될때까지 전 과정의 임상관찰이 가능했던 환자 51명을 대상으로 연령 및 성별, 월별빈도, 음독등기, 약물 종류, 음독후 내원시간, 구강 및 인두 점막변화, 검사소견, 응급처치 및 입원후 치료, 치료성적, 합병증 등을 정리 하며 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 성별비는 1. 13:1로 여자가 약간 많았으며, 남자가 24례(47.1%), 여자가 27례(52.9%)이었다. 2) 연령분포는 21∼30세가 20례 (39.2%)로 가장 많았고, 11∼20세가 11례 (21.6%), 31∼40세가 7례 (13.7%), 50세 이상이 7레 (13.7%)의 순이었다. 3) 월별빈도는 3월이 8례 (15.7%)로 가장 많았고 다음이 4절과 7월이 각각 7례(13.7%), 9월 6례 (11.8%), 10월 5례 (9.8%)의 순이었다. 4) 음독동기는 자살목적이 40례 (78.4%)로 주종을 이루였고 사고에 의한 오연이 11례 (21.6%)이었다. 5) 약물종류로는 초산이 24례(47.0%)로 가장 많았고, 다음이 염산 11례 (21.5%), 가성소다8례 (15.7%),.옥도정기 2례 (3.9%)의 순이었다. 6) 음독후 내원시간은 12시간 이내에 내원한 경우가42례 (82.4%)이었고, 다음이 12∼24시간내 4례 (7.8%)이었다. 7) 구강 및 인두점막변화는 충혈 및 부종이 있는 중등도가 20례(39.2%)로 가장 많았고, 다음이 궤양이동반된 18례(35.3%), 충혈만 있는 10례(19.6%)의 순이었다. 8) 검사소견은 혈액검사소견상 40례(78.4%)에서 백혈구 증가를 보였으며, 31례(60.8%)에서 혈구용적비(Hct)증가를 보였다. 뇨검사상 14례(27.5%)에서 Specific gravity가 1.030이상 이었고, 25례(49.0%)에서 단백뇨를 보였으며, 5례(9.8%)에서 당뇨를 보였고, 6례(11.8%)에서 혈뇨를 보였다. 9) 응급처치로는 위세척을 시행한 예가 30례 (58.8%)이었고, 3례 (5.9%)에서는 기관절개술을 시행하였다. 10) 치료방법으로는 전체 51례중 50례 (98.0%)에서Levin tube을 삽입 하였고, 49례 (96.1%)에서는 항생제를 투여하였으며, 46례 (90.2%)에시 제산제 및 Steroid를 사용하였다. 11) 치료후 36례 (70.6%)에서는 별다른 합병증없이 유효한 치료결과를 보였고 2례(3,9%)는 입원당시 사망하였으며, 4례 (7.8%)에서 식도협착을 보였고, 1례(2.0%)에서는 위유문부협착을 보였다. 12) 합병증은 8례 (I5.7%)에서 볼 수 있었으며 그중 신부전증이 4례로 가장 많았고, 다음이 폐염, 상부 위·장관출혈 등이 었다.

There are too many kinds of esophageal corrosive agents, such as sodium hydrochloride, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. Esophageal burn due to above chemical agents are decreasing recently, but still many patients visited to the hospital because of swallowing corrosive agents for the purpose of suicide or accidentally. Among the treatment of corrosive injury of the esophagus, prevention of esophageal stricture is the key point. Recently various methods are using as the treatment of corrosive esophagitis and prevention of esophageal stricture. 51 cases of corrosive injury of the esophagus who had been admitted and treated at the Dept. of Otolaryngology, Han Yang University Hospital during past 9 years (from May 1972 to Dec. 1980) were evaluated and report the result about age distribution, sex incidence, monthly distribution, cause of swallowing, swallowing agents, arriving time at hospital after swallowing, changes on oral and pharyngeal mucosa, laboratory findings, emergency treatment and treatment during admission, treatment follow up results and complications with review of liter ature. Following results were obtained; 1. Female patients 27 cases (52.9%) were more than male patients 24 cases (47.1%) and its ratio was 1.13 : 1. 2. Age distribution showed predilection for age of 21-30 with 20 cases(39.2%), and 11-20 with 11 cases (21.6%), 31-40 with 7 cases(13.7%), over 50 with 7 cases (13.7%) were following. 3. Monthly distribution showed predilection for March with 8 cases(15.7%), and April, July with 7 cases (13.7%), September with 6 cases(l1.8%), October 5 cases(9.8%) were following. 4. For the purpose of suicide was the most cause of swallowing with 40 cases(78.4%), and accidentally swallowing 11 cases(21.6%). 5. Acetic acid was the most swallowing agent with 24 cases (47.0%), and hydrochloric acid 11 cases (21.5%), lye 8 cases(15.7%), iodine 2 cases(3.9%) were following. 6. Arriving time at the hospital after swallowing showed predilection for within 12 hours with 42 cases (82.4%), and from 12 hours to 24 hours with 4 cases(7.8%) was next. 7. Moderate change with injection and swelling was the prevalent change on oral and pharyngeal mucosa with 20 cases(39.2%) and severe cases with ulceration 18 cases (35.3%), mild cases with injection 10 cases (19.6%) were following. 8. Leukocytosis was seen on 40 cases (78.4%), and increased Hct. was seen 31 cases (60.8%). On urine analysis, 14 cases(27.5%) showed over 1.030 S.G., and proteinuria was seen on 25 cases(49.0%), glycosuria was seen on 5 cases(9.8%) and hematuria was seen on 6 cases(11.8). 9. Gastric lavage was done on 30 cases (58.8%) as emergency treatment and on 3 cases(5.9%) tracheostomy was done for the airway keeping. 10. As methods of treatment during admission, L-tube insertion was done on 50 cases (98.0%), antibiotics was given to 49 cases (96.1%), steroid and antacid were given to 46 cases(90.2%). 11. 36 cases(70.6%) were in favorable condition after proper treatment, but 2 cases (3.9%) were expired during admission, 4 cases (7.8%) showed esophageal stricture in-spite of treatment, and 1 case(2.0%) showed pyloric stenosis. 12. Complications were observed in 8 cases (17.7%). Renal failure (4 cases), aspiration pneumonia (2 cases), upper G-I bleeding (1 cases), and diabetic coma (1 cases) were seen in order of frequency.
